Zinobiani — cutting, performed with the purpose of alignment of large planes of fascia, as well as for Stripping and the creation of a roughness of a surface under bonding. Tool for zinobiani (zinwell) has the form of a plane with a cool knife mounted on the front side of which is sliced parallel paths, forming on the blade small teeth. When planing the teeth on the treated surface and make numerous scratches (shallow grooves).

Dolblenie-cutting of wood for receiving various dredging, nests and eyelets necessary for performance of joiner’s connections. The cutting tools are chisels, sometimes chisels, and auxiliary tools for striking — hammers.

Drilling — cutting wood rotating tool while feeding it in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation. The purpose of drilling-the formation of holes in the wood. Cutting tool for drilling are the drill, rotated by a hand drill, a drill or reamer, and drill.

Cutting-a special case of cutting, performed with a knife or chisels, as well as special tools for wood carving.

Grinding-cutting, in which the cutters are abrasive grains glued to paper or fabric. Such paper or fabric called sanded. Sharp edges and corners of abrasive grains at the movement of a skin on the processed surface cut off thin and narrow shavings; the less grain, the shavings are thinner and the surface is smoother.

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