
When the Creator was faced with the fact that the forces/energy (-) of the Earth began to influence a person totally…with the advent of the earthly gods, the tendency grew into a program leading to nowhere!…the phenomenon itself is similar to a side effect.
The mechanism looked like this — all the negative emotions of a person, and this is essentially energy … accumulated and eventually turned into a force that was looking for carriers … people endowed by the Creator to receive energy / priests, and they, in turn, built idols / gods. The gods (-) dictated to the priest and he attracted more and more people. People in primitive times were very dependent on weather conditions and this question stood on the verge of life and death … they happily went to the priests, as they inspired them with spiritual peace and hope that everything would be fine. Priests, shamans, etc. they made sacrifices to their gods from which he fed on negative energy … and their god (-), in turn, seemed to favor them. But the main difference between all earthly gods (-) and everything Negative in general is that they need to be nourished with earthly grace … living flesh, plants, etc … a mechanism like a parasite … you sacrifice living flesh to him and he, in return for you, energy for anything. Even now, dark people work like that … the principle has not changed!
In response, the Creator sent Programs of a religious nature to stabilize humanity … this is how the Creator enlightened the chosen people … the religions of the Creator of a rather complex structure and the energy inherent in them is enormous and the earthly gods were actually doomed … since they were simple in terms of building a mechanism and energetically an order of magnitude weaker. The Creator Knew that the energy (-) of the Earth would not go anywhere… it would no longer turn into a religion and would not gain mass character among humanity… but would manifest itself only pointwise. This is how witches, magicians, sorcerers, etc., work precisely to this day.
The mechanisms of religions of the Creator, different faiths are very similar…and their essence is the same — to guide us to the right path, to keep the balance…if there is no balance, there is no right way!

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Андрей Москаленко

Пожалуйста!Максимальный репост! Всем и везде!? Вы исток,начало!☀️ Please! Maximum repost! To everyone and everywhere! ? You are the source, the beginning! ☀️
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