
World creation
— Our Father?!..God?!..the Most High God?!..Our Creator!?..Energy and Power that created That?!… — What our eyes — see! What our ears — hear! Mind — that gives us thinking! Air — that gives us breath! Earth — on which we walk and which feeds us! Water — which gives us life and purity! The sun that shines and warms us!…- I beg and pray to You!…Give me the strength to understand You!

When the Creator created the Earth and Man…he also created everything with the Balance in mind! He simply could not create a Man without Balance, since the Universe had already been created long ago and the mechanism had already existed long before us.
The universe – is a mechanism for balancing and distributing energy!
The construction mechanism is as follows: Male by default is(+) and Female by default is(-)…minus doesn’t mean bad…it’s just a force for balance. The Creator (+) had to bind somehow the balance of a person spiritually…and the force that acted as a counterweight became our planet Earth(-)…this is how we were tied to the Universe. The formula of the Prevailing spiritual balance by default looks like this: Creator (+) Man = Planet Earth (-) Woman
It is very important to understand!!!…that (+) and (-) are the forces of Spiritual and Material balance, they are separate from each other! And they are in every person! The Formula of the Prevailing Spiritual Balance is needed by default to activate programs, mechanisms of the Creator and distribute energy and strength. Without a balance formula, there was no us at all!
Women are endowed with more energy of the Earth at birth…they are mentally strong, multi-tasking…therefore they have an overabundance of emotions and thoughts, it is difficult for them to be straightforward, calm than men in general…men are energetically strong by default! The monthly cycle in women plays the role of a fuse…to reset the energy to zero…so that the Woman does not become very strong at the energy level. But they are deprived of being spiritually enlightened by the Forces of the Creator…The Creator can only enter the head of a Man with certain important information!…and only Men!
A certain level of limited spiritual information also comes to women…from the Forces of Light, only when the woman also became spiritually enlightened and she was assigned her destiny by the Creator in the chain of interweaving of the Universe, in other words…the chosen person for something important! But Collecting the Mosaic of the Universe is, in fact, spiritually given only to a Man! The Creator endowed a woman with the right to give birth, and the maternal instinct is inherited from the power of the earth along with energy.
Mechanism of the universe. No matter how a person changes…A man is supposed to be — Dominant over a Woman in the material world!…if the rule is broken, there is an imbalance of all mankind. Spiritual and material life, although it is…as if separately?! Must go toe to toe!…the first rule of the Universe is that everything and everywhere is interconnected! The Creator endowed the Man, first of all, with Physical Strength and the ability to be closer to himself spiritually in relation to women in general. It is easier for them than for a woman to find the truth in spiritual matters, provided that a man sincerely seeks a piece of the Creator in himself…as a man should in fact do. Men are not cheating with the mind, the system of building thoughts by default! That is…they thought about something, for example, a thousand years ago…the system of thoughts has not changed to this day. This is how it is spiritually laid down by the Creator by default for a man (+) and a woman (-). Made for Balance!
To summarize, in the material world by default, women are stronger intellectually than men and men are stronger by default than women in the spiritual life! At the same time, everyone depends on each other in the material world by the mechanism of Balance/Universe…a man is physically stronger than a woman, and a woman gives birth to offspring.
Women should understand that by default they should be submissive to the man as a whole, the last word should be with the man! Since during unstable periods of time…when chaos reigns in the world at the global level…the key role is played by the physical strength of men, and the power of thought of a woman is shifted to the background! This was done in order to exclude the option of women dominating men.
Men!…Men!… by default are spiritually charged in (+) from birth from the power of the Universe, the Creator…and Men are actually a guarantor to carry holiness! They, like me, are really small children in their hearts…as a symbol of the purity of the Creator…men are monogamous by default, but everyone has their own love, unfortunately… and sometimes it is tragic and wrong. This is directly related to the level of spirituality of a man…but the right path to the right life lies only in the union of a Man and a Woman! Equilibrium / Balance!…if it is not there then Imbalance begins.
By the age of 33 — 40, by default, all men begin Spiritual maturation, the illumination of the Creator! A man begins to rethink his life, look at what is happening and draw conclusions not as usual, feel that something is happening to him, look for the meaning of life, etc. The Creator is trying to show the right way by reassessing life! Spiritual life appears in material life and sharply reminds that it exists! A mechanism is launched that analyzes your soul purity for the time you have lived, something similar to the analysis of life. During this period, men must understand that they are given a chance to change themselves in material life for the better. This is a very important process because during this period the mechanisms of the Creator’s program are activated depending on the purity of the soul. It’s like statistics that predetermine the fate of people…what to do with them, how the universe weaves the roads of life! For example, a person lived as a severe sinner and his soul is not very pure, then he will be entangled in a fateful chain, and can give the chain a chance or two chances to change. And in another pure soul, he did not blacken it in 33 years and lived relatively correctly, fate will be woven differently. Fate is the path of man in material life and in fact it is like a thread on the matter of the universe, which can be woven anywhere and where weaving is decided by many factors?!…The main ones are the will of the Creator, your purity of soul, purity of souls of your ancestors, karma.
« The spiritual world directly and indirectly affects the destiny of man in the material world!»
At the dawn of the development of mankind, people began to understand that spiritual forces need to be controlled…and even then people felt this inner Call. This is how the first Gods began to appear…these gods were of earthly origin(-)…they were bloody gods…this is how the Negative was born..it works like a battery…energy rules in the Universe! But there were the first (+) religions on the territory of Asia … as humanity developed, the mass nature of science, … other religions appeared … a person reached the level of complex religions (+) according to the principle of progress — intelligence, that is, the more progress of civilization, the more human intelligence is ready to cross one step above the «Mechanism of the Universe/Creator». Religions work as a spiritual stabilizer from chaos and point to the path of righteousness. Our Creator has created many religions to fight the Negativity / false Gods that originated on our planet and began to lead a person along the wrong path.
At the same time, the Creator also took into account the rules of balance … just like the Fuse — if there was one religion, then someone very strong could seize dominance over the whole world … and besides, a person is simply not ready for another step of the Creator .. so that it would be clear as a program that runs at a certain time, subject to many factors, one of the Mechanisms of the Universe/Creator. — Jesus Christ, the Messiah… was sent to us by the Creator to show us that God/Universal is our Father and we are His Children, that he gives us Light, guides us on the true path and leads us to himself and also reminds us… that he created us in your likeness! In the very meaning of this lies the essence of the fact that we are destined to be almost Gods but not Creators.
All major religious books, regardless of religion, were sent to mankind by the Creator…and created so that people would keep balance…so that people would not do evil, violence, negativity….so that they would not disturb the spiritual balance of mankind…directed to the true, true, right path…with this book warns us about what will happen … if we achieve a total mental Imbalance. Religion has a very huge role in human life, as it is included in the positive energy (+) of the Universe. Everyone must live and respect their Religion! Since this is your + / protection on our planet from the forces (-). For this, children from an early age are attracted to religious sacraments in accordance with their religion.

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Андрей Москаленко

Пожалуйста!Максимальный репост! Всем и везде!? Вы исток,начало!☀️ Please! Maximum repost! To everyone and everywhere! ? You are the source, the beginning! ☀️
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