
Even now the Creator…sees and hears everything! Only people are already different … the level of spirituality has fallen below the minimum mark! Religions that have always guided us to the true path have lost their power … since the human intellect no longer accepts them … more than 2000 years have passed since the coming of Christ and more than 1000 years since the coming of Muhammad and even more years from other ancient scriptures.

The stronger the Force of Faith is, the stronger the Force of the Spirit is — this is an Axiom.
The Power of the Spirit — is the levels of cognition of the Creator.
The Power of Faith — is the path to knowing the Creator.
The Power of Will — is the Power to be Free…these are steps on the way to knowing the Creator.
At the same time, the Force acts as the energy of the Universe of the Creator..
The power of God, God’s Faith, God’s Will, etc…
Strength and Energy — is actually an Axiom. Strength is made up of energy. To apply force, you need to spend energy … if you need a lot of force for something, you need to attract more energy.
Force — is a form of energy in the material world. Energies — are invisible particles of the Creator that hold together the matter of the Universe in the material and spiritual world.
Energy was created for Balance and by default, programmatically strives to fulfill its function.
Energy is both (+) and (-).
The soul — is a part of the Creator (+) which gives the right to move along the steps of cognition of the mechanisms of the Universe in the material world.
The Human Soul – is a very rare particle of the Creator…which gave a person intellect and mind by default in the material world…it allows us to go almost unlimitedly along the steps of the Creator…to know Him…so that this would be possible, we were given the spiritual world…this is our connection with the Creator!
Animals also have a part of the Creator (+) and something similar to a soul… their soul/pseudo-soul… they are limited by default by programm… they are denied access to knowledge of the mechanisms of the universe… their pseudo-soul is so small that they cannot have intellect and, accordingly, spiritual life … it was created so that a person would actually be God for them from the very beginning. The souls of animals also live in Samsara after they leave…because the Creator also has a demand for them…to the karma of a person!…why is that?!..because these are also the creations of the Creator…and they should not be offended if possible! Everything on our planet was created so that a person would feel as similar as possible to the Creator… this is how He intended it. And a person at the top of the steps of the Creator…in fact, he himself will become God!…but not the Creator!

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Андрей Москаленко

Пожалуйста!Максимальный репост! Всем и везде!? Вы исток,начало!☀️ Please! Maximum repost! To everyone and everywhere! ? You are the source, the beginning! ☀️
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