Farewell, old friend

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«Two things are infinite: the Universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the Universe»

— Albert Einstein

I’d like to start with almost the same words.

Human jealousy is infinite. It corrupts and destroys the humanity inside a human itself. In connection with excessive self-pity, it encourages a person to do terrible things, just to satisfy it’s hunger of limitless envy.

Unfortunately, all of that has been said about my best…rather former best friend Alex. So then this is my tragic story about our long and weakened friendship lasting more than fifteen years.

Chapter I — The beginning of the end

It begins back in 2008, when Alex and I started going to a kindergarten. Now I understand that his forming into a jealous person had begun right then, since such a distant time ago.

When most children in our group were three years old, almost everyone was able to speak clearly already. Everyone…except Alex. As I remember, he was the only one who could not even say a short sentence. Only closer to his fifth birthday, he could just say «Oh! Mikl Kstaki hascom!». But I can clearly remember that full of envy look… It was easy to understand that he thought «It’s unfair! Everyone speaks, but I don’t!».

Well, of course you can feel sorry for Alex and say that he did not choose how smart he was born, but knowing Alex for my whole life, since my first memory, I can assure you, that his laziness and procrastination tendency could cause such a slow intelligence development, so I would still blame himself for that and nobody else.

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