3+| 6+| 12+

After we both finished school, nothing changed in Alex. Of course, it was predictable, but to be honest, I still had the ray of hope inside myself that Alex could be changed somehow, but later, when I realized that it’s impossible, it was too late already…

Chapter III — «…Farewell, old friend»

Everything changed in the summer of 2023, when Alex came to my house at midnight «just to play games». I let him in and we started playing a video game on my laptop. The game was going so that I was winning and he was losing. I saw him heating and sweating. Suddenly he started twitching and making odd noises. It seemed creepy. I wanted him to go. Actually, he often got angry when he was losing any game, but this time everything was different… I had a feeling like the whole bile that he was accumulating inside himself for his entire life was about to get out. And I was right.

After he lost another game, something clicked in his head and he started screaming so loudly that my ears were stuck. Then he grabbed my laptop and started crushing it with the following words «How do people like you always win?! How do you manage to be so successful?! It’s unfair! Why anyone else, but not me?!». I was just watching what was happening and thinking what to do next.

When Alex finished with my laptop, he froze. He slowly turned his head to me and started…staring…right into my soul… Jesus Christ… That was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life… A completely insane and pitchy look that was slightly illuminated by moonlight in my dark room… I was thinking fast and I realized that my friend is no more. Now it was a pure evil standing in front of me. His fate had done the worst to him, and since that moment it could not be changed by any means. I understood that now he was going to satisfy his hunger of envy by killing me, and the only way I had left to save myself was to kill him first.


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