— Your jokes no needed now, let’s do without them — Hook chuckled at the prince’s words.

— You starting to stand up for the magicians?! — Hook asked, everyone it’s right away heard — and I thought, with you macho.

— Now is not time, Cillian! — David forces Rumpel to stand up, from which he left the café with him.

— It wasn’t necessary, — Rumpel said.

— I not the first, been to help people which were more serious situations, good bye — Rumpel nodded, suddenly something hit the magician in the back. 

— Rumpelstiltskin! what happened? — asked with emotion, David. 

— There’s something stuck in, this thing kill me, pull it out of my back!… — David looked where Rumple was looking and saw Jones ahead, he was standing with a gun in his hand and was clearly angry.

— Tick-tock, crocodile — said Hook, Rumplestiltskin was able to get to his feet a David stood in front of him.

— Killian, put the gun down — David said. 

— This is unlikely… get out of the way, I don’t want to hurt you — said Hook and pulls the trigger.

— Killian stop! you need his death, а if and need it why? — David asked.

— He killed my love, well, then I’ll kill you -Hook answers and takes one step.

— Look, I understand your feelings and I know, that you can’t wait to do this… but after killing him, the anger will not go away — David explained — hey, he’s not worth it — Hook changed his look, slowly lowered the gun and threw it into the darknes. All of a sudden. A ball of fire hits Jones in the face causing him to fall to the ground, David looked at Rumplestiltskin and then crouched down to the Hook.

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