There is a spark in us

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Days after Mary Margaret’s death, there were funerals, Emma and Nile suffered the worst of all the others, David was also no exception, he was great pain on his heart and it is hard at the thought that it was he who did not have time to save his wife, unexpectedly, Rumpel sat down to David.

— Have you come, here to rejoice? — David asked directly, with a proud look. 

— Do not flatter yourself, this day I will be glad that I finally got married, but! to my joy, you unfortunately not be able to rejoice unlike me — Rumpel replies, with a smile on his face . 

— Know, I’m glad to you happy — David said. 

— Surprisingly, thanks for the support — Rumpel finds no other words and sits down at another table. 

— Crocodile! small conversation — said Hook — I advise you to stay away from Charming, in extreme cases I will kill you — Hook was about to get up but the pirate couldn’t do it because of Gold’s witchcraft.

— Buddy, you should go to your barrel! as I already know, she misses your care — Hook looked, into Rumpel’s eyes. 

— No, I won’t leave — Rumpel stood up and said in the Hook ear. 

— Then, wait for the not too pleasant consequences thee Cillian Jones, moreover terrible — David quickly approached Rumpel, then put his hand on the back.

— Maybe enough, already? there are people here, just dont pay attention and go to Belle, please. 

— Yes, simply I so many years want to give someone in the face — David ked askance at Hook.

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Элли Эклз

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