
Try, — said Sidorov.

The President pressed and gosh greeted in such a voice that the President was not amused childishly.

— I give the first task to Gaucher: to study the Sun.

«Matter has gone, even our planet to study not managed, already on the Sun send»— thought gosh, but aloud agreed.

Great! — the President said and left.

After 3 years, on 23 July 2103, and the robot was prepared, and the spacecraft called Vostok-112. The launch took place.The newly arrived President.Gosha sat in the rocket and began the countdown voice of the head of the cosmodrome Petrenko:

— 10,9,8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!!!

The rocket took off, and everyone began to look sadly into the sky blue. And sad because for 3 years they got used to the response.Gosh, he wasn’t happy:

— I’m small and I can work again, he thought.

The Vostok-122 spacecraft is rushing through the starry space.At the helm of our robot gosh. Suddenly some hissing sound and on a small screen on the left side of the steering wheel appeared the face of Sidorov and Petrenko.

— How did you get to the Sun?  Sidorov asked.

— No still until Venus not was your flight, — responded gosh.

— We are now on the live broadcast until you return to the Ground, — said Petrenko.

— I’m glad, because I will have someone to talk to, replied gosh.

The ship flew past mercury. The Sun was half an hour left.

«I’ll be in the Sun soon,» gosh exclaimed joyfully.

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