
It turns out that there are still four days to wait…

To the waist in the mud. (

à la taille dans la boue)

Late in the evening, when there is absolutely nothing to do, it is already completely dark and cold outside. It is so cold that the fingers of the hands become uncomfortable and cramps. But Manjiro still doesn’t want to go home, even though he’s frozen to the bone. And this gaze, empty of thoughtfulness, was directed into the dark sky, in which white flakes could be seen slowly falling down. Snow at the end of October, the very first and white, innocent and pure. A relaxed smile appears on his pale face and Sano gets up from the bench, shivers and chatters his teeth, heading at a walk to his house. The idea that after such a cold he would be able to warm up at home, drink hot coffee and go to bed really pleased him. In addition, it was best to think in the cold. I was thinking not only about the future, but also about what is happening around me now.
The blonde pulls the warm scarf tighter around his neck and exhales a clot of steam with his mouth, already approaching his house. He takes out his keys and stops in a stupor when the dark road and himself are illuminated by the yellow, bright headlights opposite. He turns his head, looks at the car and drops the keys from his hands, swearing under his breath. He squats down and picks them up, looks at the license plates and realizes that this car is painfully familiar. Because… he was being followed again.

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Микель Коике

Я Микель, можно Мики. Люблю рисовать и писать. Также меня можно найти на Ficbook. Смотрю аниме. Моё любимое — "Токийские мстители". Кстати, по нему (и не только) будет большая часть моих рассказов/фанфиков. Ещё я буду переводить фанфики с другого сайта, на иностранные языки.
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