There is a spark in us

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David returned to Storybrooke through the portal after a long battle, Emma and Neil met their father in a coffee at Grandma’s, David runs out into the coffee to see the children and Snowball, Emma approached David, but she couldn’t hold back the tears.

— Emma, with you? — David asked, Emma pressed her lips together, David goes to his daughter and then hugs her tightly to calm her down. 

— Mom… she, her more… — Emma, stammering, still managed to pull herself together and told David everything. — while you were in the magic forest, a Greek and Tamara came to us, they needed my strength so that no one could stop the action of the stone, my mother was hit by a bullet, she sacrificed herself to save us — David was in a state of shock, Emma hugged her father.

— No, no, it’s not true! Mary… — David said, Neil not standard aside and hugged his father too.

— Everything will fine father, we will be with you — Said Neil in pain.

— What will happen now? — Henry asked.

— I’ll find these hermits, then make them suffer — David said, and headed for the exit.

— You can’t handle him alone, wait! — Emma yanked David back, princ turned his head  daughter — you need to think like them, you can’t go into the fire without sound thoughts, you told me that yourself.

— Emma is everything is different now! — David began to talk to daughter with anger. 

— You same hero!..  an hero are not murderers! my father knows about this and understands that revenge is wrong — David exhaled.

— I’m sorry, I hope my presence does not hurt — Hook said.

— What here you do? — Emma asked pirate. 

— I came to share the pain of the prince, in memory Snow White — Hook replie. 

Еще почитать:
Часть 2. Плохого больше не случится
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