Дорогая ты вела соло в ту ночь, пока занавес не упал с рассветом над лазурными водами. Я наигрываю на рояле  мотив, который понятен всем, кто имел потери в жизни.


Hard to fight what you can’t see

Don’t try to build relation

If you can’t break the wall

Don’t play the game you are surely not win

If the fail happened before many times 

I’ll come to the beach

I’ll be waiting for Mermaid,

I’ll be waiting, for the tide to rise

I’m already on a beach again

I waiting for Mermaid

I’ll be waiting, for the tide to rise

The Mermaid will swim after sundown

She’ll swim along the shore

Where I’m waiting for her

She’ll be there for sure

She’ll be with me

I’ll never be alone


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