The Village Cesario.House Seliverstovich.Boy Misha(or as it was called, all the children) went to the forest.He was 11 short years,but his mother Svetlana said to him:
-No bread,guns,salt,matches,ammunition and an axe will not let you.
-Why,mother?- surprised Mishutka.
Why, son!- Svetlana’s mother sighed.- Without bread you will starve,salt too to be useful, matches and an axe for a fire.And the axe is still for zarubey, and suddenly get lost!We have taiga!What a beast!And cartridges with a gun for protection.You can use the hatchet for protection in case the cartridges run out.And preferably with the father or go with a friend.Only Mike was going to take issue,like his dad John said:
— Guy 11 years, and you his with friends or with me send!One can do it!
What if he gets lost?Misha’s mother was alarmed.
-Grow up.Then it will be more accurate.Listen, son, — suddenly said Pope Dmitri.- Give you 2 weeks.If you don’t come after, we’ll look.
Only mom mouth gape like dad looked at her.As something threatening and menacing.Dima agreed,it collected and after an hour he is on the way to the forest.He even took a flashlight and the oil is captured,if you go out of the lantern.Grandparents came and asked where grandson,explained to them,they panicked,but reassured them, and they said.
About Cesarean was coniferous forest, although I said earlier.In this forest, bears and wolves.Oh,I forgot.Misha there at all initially for mushrooms went.

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