Don’t leave your room, don’t make a mistake.
Are you sure you need sun, if you are smoking without a break.
Behind the door everything is useless, in particular happiness.
Just to the latrine, and make all with rapidness.
Don’t leave your room, don’t call a motor.
Because all that exists is only your corridor
ending by counter. But if you’ll see hooker,
Kick her out, like you would do with not decent hawker.
Don’t leave your room. Let’s think you have a simple flue.
What is interesting out of your room, where you could flew.
For what you need to leave it, if you will be here in evening.
Same like you was, just maybe relived a few beatings.
Don’t leave your room. Dance, feel brazilian samba.
Put on only coat and shoes, but move like a black mamba.
In the hall you can smell cabbage and cream for your skis.
You wrote enough, some more and you’ll lose keys.
Don’t leave your room. Lets only room right to
know your look. And although Incognito ergo sum,
Like some time it said to me one very kind substance.
Don’t leave your room, outside not like in France.
Don’t be a fool. Be really much more smart.
Don’t leave your room, just hide like in Wallmart,
Merge with the furniture. Lock and don’t open,
Run out from all. Especially from modern.
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57.5:30 am|19❤️

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