«Mosaic of the Universe»

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«Mosaic of the Universe»
«Our Father, who art in heaven!
hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those, who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory.
for ever and ever. Amen.»

What is the complex meaning of these words, and what is it all the same simple?!!
Mankind faces a choice to become almost a god in the likeness of the Creator…or disappear like many others…who have not yet overcome the main temptation of physical life as it is?!.. — This is its own intellect!
And in order to understand the path to salvation, you need to understand how the mechanisms of the Creator work?!..what is the purpose of humanity and what is its mission?!..and how can we get out of our own abyss…find the right path of the Creator!
The Universe is always striving for expansion and balance of power/balance of energy. In the Universe, everything is relative and there is nothing constant, everything is interconnected and intertwined like a fabric of matter. Even human thoughts are material and carry energy, and words are even more so.
Everything in the Universe rests on Equilibrium / Balance — this is the «Eternal rule of the Creator»!!! And this applies to everything and everywhere in the Universe…our Solar System, Planet Earth, Man.
Evolution is a prime example…of action/change — Equilibrium/Balance! Science is a human desire to understand how the «Mechanisms of the Creator» work.
Love and Faith is the Man! When this does not exist, there is no Man!

World creation
— Our Father?!..God?!..the Most High God?!..Our Creator!?..Energy and Power that created That?!… — What our eyes — see! What our ears — hear! Mind — that gives us thinking! Air — that gives us breath! Earth — on which we walk and which feeds us! Water — which gives us life and purity! The sun that shines and warms us!…- I beg and pray to You!…Give me the strength to understand You!

When the Creator created the Earth and Man…he also created everything with the Balance in mind! He simply could not create a Man without Balance, since the Universe had already been created long ago and the mechanism had already existed long before us.
The universe – is a mechanism for balancing and distributing energy!
The construction mechanism is as follows: Male by default is(+) and Female by default is(-)…minus doesn’t mean bad…it’s just a force for balance. The Creator (+) had to bind somehow the balance of a person spiritually…and the force that acted as a counterweight became our planet Earth(-)…this is how we were tied to the Universe. The formula of the Prevailing spiritual balance by default looks like this: Creator (+) Man = Planet Earth (-) Woman
It is very important to understand!!!…that (+) and (-) are the forces of Spiritual and Material balance, they are separate from each other! And they are in every person! The Formula of the Prevailing Spiritual Balance is needed by default to activate programs, mechanisms of the Creator and distribute energy and strength. Without a balance formula, there was no us at all!
Women are endowed with more energy of the Earth at birth…they are mentally strong, multi-tasking…therefore they have an overabundance of emotions and thoughts, it is difficult for them to be straightforward, calm than men in general…men are energetically strong by default! The monthly cycle in women plays the role of a fuse…to reset the energy to zero…so that the Woman does not become very strong at the energy level. But they are deprived of being spiritually enlightened by the Forces of the Creator…The Creator can only enter the head of a Man with certain important information!…and only Men!
A certain level of limited spiritual information also comes to women…from the Forces of Light, only when the woman also became spiritually enlightened and she was assigned her destiny by the Creator in the chain of interweaving of the Universe, in other words…the chosen person for something important! But Collecting the Mosaic of the Universe is, in fact, spiritually given only to a Man! The Creator endowed a woman with the right to give birth, and the maternal instinct is inherited from the power of the earth along with energy.
Mechanism of the universe. No matter how a person changes…A man is supposed to be — Dominant over a Woman in the material world!…if the rule is broken, there is an imbalance of all mankind. Spiritual and material life, although it is…as if separately?! Must go toe to toe!…the first rule of the Universe is that everything and everywhere is interconnected! The Creator endowed the Man, first of all, with Physical Strength and the ability to be closer to himself spiritually in relation to women in general. It is easier for them than for a woman to find the truth in spiritual matters, provided that a man sincerely seeks a piece of the Creator in himself…as a man should in fact do. Men are not cheating with the mind, the system of building thoughts by default! That is…they thought about something, for example, a thousand years ago…the system of thoughts has not changed to this day. This is how it is spiritually laid down by the Creator by default for a man (+) and a woman (-). Made for Balance!
To summarize, in the material world by default, women are stronger intellectually than men and men are stronger by default than women in the spiritual life! At the same time, everyone depends on each other in the material world by the mechanism of Balance/Universe…a man is physically stronger than a woman, and a woman gives birth to offspring.
Women should understand that by default they should be submissive to the man as a whole, the last word should be with the man! Since during unstable periods of time…when chaos reigns in the world at the global level…the key role is played by the physical strength of men, and the power of thought of a woman is shifted to the background! This was done in order to exclude the option of women dominating men.
Men!…Men!… by default are spiritually charged in (+) from birth from the power of the Universe, the Creator…and Men are actually a guarantor to carry holiness! They, like me, are really small children in their hearts…as a symbol of the purity of the Creator…men are monogamous by default, but everyone has their own love, unfortunately… and sometimes it is tragic and wrong. This is directly related to the level of spirituality of a man…but the right path to the right life lies only in the union of a Man and a Woman! Equilibrium / Balance!…if it is not there then Imbalance begins.
By the age of 33 — 40, by default, all men begin Spiritual maturation, the illumination of the Creator! A man begins to rethink his life, look at what is happening and draw conclusions not as usual, feel that something is happening to him, look for the meaning of life, etc. The Creator is trying to show the right way by reassessing life! Spiritual life appears in material life and sharply reminds that it exists! A mechanism is launched that analyzes your soul purity for the time you have lived, something similar to the analysis of life. During this period, men must understand that they are given a chance to change themselves in material life for the better. This is a very important process because during this period the mechanisms of the Creator’s program are activated depending on the purity of the soul. It’s like statistics that predetermine the fate of people…what to do with them, how the universe weaves the roads of life! For example, a person lived as a severe sinner and his soul is not very pure, then he will be entangled in a fateful chain, and can give the chain a chance or two chances to change. And in another pure soul, he did not blacken it in 33 years and lived relatively correctly, fate will be woven differently. Fate is the path of man in material life and in fact it is like a thread on the matter of the universe, which can be woven anywhere and where weaving is decided by many factors?!…The main ones are the will of the Creator, your purity of soul, purity of souls of your ancestors, karma.
« The spiritual world directly and indirectly affects the destiny of man in the material world!»
At the dawn of the development of mankind, people began to understand that spiritual forces need to be controlled…and even then people felt this inner Call. This is how the first Gods began to appear…these gods were of earthly origin(-)…they were bloody gods…this is how the Negative was born..it works like a battery…energy rules in the Universe! But there were the first (+) religions on the territory of Asia … as humanity developed, the mass nature of science, … other religions appeared … a person reached the level of complex religions (+) according to the principle of progress — intelligence, that is, the more progress of civilization, the more human intelligence is ready to cross one step above the «Mechanism of the Universe/Creator». Religions work as a spiritual stabilizer from chaos and point to the path of righteousness. Our Creator has created many religions to fight the Negativity / false Gods that originated on our planet and began to lead a person along the wrong path.
At the same time, the Creator also took into account the rules of balance … just like the Fuse — if there was one religion, then someone very strong could seize dominance over the whole world … and besides, a person is simply not ready for another step of the Creator .. so that it would be clear as a program that runs at a certain time, subject to many factors, one of the Mechanisms of the Universe/Creator. — Jesus Christ, the Messiah… was sent to us by the Creator to show us that God/Universal is our Father and we are His Children, that he gives us Light, guides us on the true path and leads us to himself and also reminds us… that he created us in your likeness! In the very meaning of this lies the essence of the fact that we are destined to be almost Gods but not Creators.
All major religious books, regardless of religion, were sent to mankind by the Creator…and created so that people would keep balance…so that people would not do evil, violence, negativity….so that they would not disturb the spiritual balance of mankind…directed to the true, true, right path…with this book warns us about what will happen … if we achieve a total mental Imbalance. Religion has a very huge role in human life, as it is included in the positive energy (+) of the Universe. Everyone must live and respect their Religion! Since this is your + / protection on our planet from the forces (-). For this, children from an early age are attracted to religious sacraments in accordance with their religion.

Mystic side/Power of the Earth (-). Laws of the Universe

Since our Planet is by default (-) … for everything that is on it and plays the role of a counterweight, (+) of the Universe … it eventually gave birth to many of its Gods, earthly, bloody. People for hundreds of years in different parts of the planet prayed, sacrificed people and animals and believed in what they were doing .. the energy of the earth accumulated, it did not go anywhere, it seemed to be stuck forever like a battery charge in those attributes in which it programmatically lives … on the example of runes , tarot cards, number magic, etc…
The number of the Universe is 2 and that which is divisible by 2, symbolizing (+) and (-), since everything in the Universe consists of balance. The number of the Earth is 3 and what is divided by 3… means (+), (-) and the planet itself!… as a force, energy. This is written so that there would be an understanding of why the Negative is symbolized by the number 6 …. this is the only number that ties the knot of the matter of the Universe … no matter how we divide 6 into 2 and 3, respectively, there will be 3 and 2 … works like a program that leads us to self-destruction.
Samsara – is «The Mechanism of the Creator/Universe Closed to Man»…this is a place where Time passes simultaneously according to the principle of past, now, future… we live with you just in the mode…reality-now, therefore we rejoice in the moments of our life in fact, now…because past and future are closed to us. It is in Samsara that the whole chain of Karma of our ancestors is located. It’s like a temporary pipe where we live as a chain of our kind there forever as in the record.
Karma — is an independent statistic of the Supreme/Universe… for the human races and it carries the same function of the Balance in Samsara and works on the mode of the future. It is also launched programmatically … imagine that your great-grandfather is a tyrant … and all the relatives who followed him in generations are pious people … the program will balance the family with troubles or the death of ancestors from the chain until the balance of the family is reached, thereby atoning for the sins of the great-grandfather. That is why we should not blame our Creator for our troubles, but only ourselves and our kind. On the contrary, in the holy scriptures, the Creator wanted to convey to us in advance that we need to live in balance and adhere to His rules, a guide to the right life leading to Balance. Also, knowing all the options for the development of mankind, he warned us that not observing the commandments, canons, fasts, etc. … a total Imbalance will begin … as a result, Hell will be on Earth … in fact, the end of our civilization.
The force of the Negative of the Earth (-) that is trying to lead us to Hell on the planet looks like the main temptation and at the same time a test for our civilization. This program is directly tied to the Progress and Intellect of Mankind … the essence of it is built in such a way … that either we choose the right path and are worthy of being almost gods, or we … will not become. Everything is very simple, alas … but these are the realities. The greater the Progress of civilization, the higher the Intelligence of mankind.
If everything continues as it is at the moment and Man does not step a step higher in the «Mechanism of the Universe» then the Day of Judgement will come for our humanity at the beginning of the 23rd century! The point of no return will come in 2222, a year that will begin on Tuesday and also end on Tuesday …. personifying 6 pieces of 222222. Now you understand how it is twisted with the number 6 and why it appears in the forces of negativity (-).
People who are closely engaged in Black Magic and other practices forbidden by the Creator… are simply Fools with a capital letter!… because they outweigh the balance in (-) thereby bringing the Day of Judgement closer — bringing closer the death of not only their future ancestors, but also their entire Samsara , ancestors who shout shouting not to do this. After all, it’s not for nothing that they write in the sacred books that you can’t contact people who work with cards of any category, runes, black books, etc. … there are a lot of them … they have been accumulating energy for centuries and their power acts like a program … influencing the fate of others people. Only the Mechanism of the Universe, the Creator and the Forces of Light can influence the destinies of people … his assistants in our world or from outside. Fools have learned to release the negative so that he does not touch them personally … thereby deceiving the Creator by disguising himself as the mechanisms of the Universe in various ways. Sorcerers are men endowed with the power/energy (+) of the Creator and should carry Light and Good… but those who did not find the right path, particles of the Creator… they did not overcome the obstacles of the forces (-) gave up and went to the forces (-) of the earth to the dark forces.
I personally experienced this long period…and it is very unpleasant and unpredictable…when you are flattened, carried everywhere and darkness creeps into your head…it’s like a test of the Creator before enlightenment…and only a few pass this exam of the Higher Light Forces. The main thing is to Believe in the Creator, look for His part in yourself and follow the path with Faith in Him and Love for Him!
Sorcerers usually go to the last in search of improvement of their dark deeds, reaching black deeds, offering themselves, their souls to that earthly god who lured him to himself. Fools who think they have everything under control are deluded. One result awaits them, that sooner or later everything will turn out so that the blackness will eat him! Earthly gods… It doesn’t matter!… per person in fact… even if the planet Earth becomes without oxygen or is like Mars empty… they will live there forever in the form of energy! Witches are Women gifted with the powers of the (-) Earth, they receive dark knowledge related or not. Hereditary Witches are the strongest energetically … since they are trained for this from childhood and they carry information by blood, as if being reborn over generations … but at the same time they are the Blackest … but seemingly cute and harmless. Now I want to turn to them all on behalf of the Universe and the Creator! You are very much mistaken, since sooner or later the disguise will be revealed and your whole life and the life of your descendants are already recorded in advance in Samsara… and it is not for nothing that they say that the Almighty sees everything!… these are not your earthly gods who can close their eyes to everything… the True Creator Light will undoubtedly punish you or your ancestors directly for your sins!
Fate. Material world

Everything in a person’s Life is not accidental!…don’t forget that everything in the Universe is intertwined. Fate — a person cannot change!!!…but there is a big one…But!…I call this phenomenon «points of no return»!…..Now I will explain?!
For example/Imagine that you are playing a game on PC…and your hero lives an extensive life…so here?!…in fact, no matter how you play the hero…you still die at the end of the game and only change the direction of the game changes the layout of the result of the hero’s life … until his end! …. that is, if you chose to work as a bartender … then you lived as a result of 68 years … and as a journalist 89 years! … but you are in the game ?!. ..one result! Since we live in the Chain of Time (Samsara…simultaneously past, now, future)…points of no return are those moments of life…where we predetermine our fate without the right to change!…these points of no return are for everyone a person individually has his own … several factors affect this … The Creator, Karma, Purity of the personal soul!
In fact, it turns out that we look like a game …. Billionaire Elon Musk is convinced that we live in virtual reality, in a game! … I agree with him to some extent … that the mechanism for building life is somewhat similar to games! … But the games were made according to the prototype of a person?! … conditionally, we think that we control our lives, fate …. No, there are, let’s say so … only options, templates … and this is one from «Mechanisms of the Universe».

With the development of Scientific and Technological Progress (STP), along the way, a person developed his own Intellect … this is an Axiom. We are arranged in such a way that with the growth of Intellect, the boundaries of Reason expand … this is also an Axiom. And now, humanity has reached the peak of Intelligence… that stage of the «Mechanism of the Universe» where it is time for us to take a step to a new stage… A decisive stage! The stage that we overcame for a very, very long time … more than 1000 years !!!

Man has created and will not create anything in the universe… only the Creator can do it!
Man already Creates and will create a lot in the Universe… for this purpose the Creator created us with you — to create! The main thing for humanity is to understand that we live in a world where everything has already been created, and we only move correctly after the Creator… along the path of Light… we open its mechanisms!

The human civilization… the Creator… calls to itself, to the sky… to the Space! Our Destiny is to live there! … to populate other planets, change them, create conditions for life there. Populate them with animals that were not there, nature that was not there. For this reason, the human brain is involved in a small part, since it was created for space, different planets will change it in different ways.
— You will tell me, that is the fiction?! ..- No! … I’ll tell you, the Truth! … a person has no choice, because if we disobey Our Creator, we have already been predicted for thousands of years the Day of Judgement to which we are stubbornly and confidently moving!
The Creator is not just waiting for us…he is waiting for us cleansed from earthly sins!
There is no need to be afraid… The Forces of Light will always help us, direct and discover their laws, mechanisms, rules. We just need to take the most important Step for the entire existence of our civilization… not to perish by destroying ourselves!

We are transported 1000 years in time … Religions of the world are gaining momentum in their corners of the planet Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. … a time when it was dangerous for life to move to a neighboring city, where a person was sold in the market, where they ate once a week, etc. … terrible time! Religion gave our ancestors Hope for the sake of what to live under such circumstances that you cannot imagine with your mind. And all these experiences … experienced by our ancestors, emotions … crazy energy! Went to Our Creator, Our Father, the Power of Light… after all, he is One… and Only One!.. He created us all on one planet!…imagine the power of intellect in an ordinary modern person…and 1000 years ago….
A 14-year-old Shepherd was tending sheep…in a hilly area. He firmly held the Great Staff in his hands.. the staff was heavy. But Shepherd could not forget that case when last year wolves attacked his flock … and he had to drive them away. The wolves then killed one sheep … he prayed to God every 10 minutes … He said — Save and Protect … and sincerely thought about God…Previously, his father grazed the sheep, but he was taken to the war 6 years ago. The shepherd did not yet know that he would not see his father again. He lay down on the grass, spread his arms and legs, while repeating the prayer, he thought … that it would be more likely tomorrow. That he needs to clean his clothes today, because tomorrow the holy father will gather teenagers and tell them the holy scripture. He was very interested and liked to talk with his mother, brothers and sisters … to think about the holy letter … He was not from the poorest family … The shepherd looked at the white flower that grew alone … on the top of the hill against … the flower is larger than usual …and…distracted from prayer…He thought!…that he pastured sheep here every day and never saw flowers here…He admired the flower for a long time…thinking about his life, his life…he completely forgot about fear and did not feel it. The shepherd laughed and thanked the Almighty for everything!… And the Almighty saw and heard him!!!

Even now the Creator…sees and hears everything! Only people are already different … the level of spirituality has fallen below the minimum mark! Religions that have always guided us to the true path have lost their power … since the human intellect no longer accepts them … more than 2000 years have passed since the coming of Christ and more than 1000 years since the coming of Muhammad and even more years from other ancient scriptures.

The stronger the Force of Faith is, the stronger the Force of the Spirit is — this is an Axiom.
The Power of the Spirit — is the levels of cognition of the Creator.
The Power of Faith — is the path to knowing the Creator.
The Power of Will — is the Power to be Free…these are steps on the way to knowing the Creator.
At the same time, the Force acts as the energy of the Universe of the Creator..
The power of God, God’s Faith, God’s Will, etc…
Strength and Energy — is actually an Axiom. Strength is made up of energy. To apply force, you need to spend energy … if you need a lot of force for something, you need to attract more energy.
Force — is a form of energy in the material world. Energies — are invisible particles of the Creator that hold together the matter of the Universe in the material and spiritual world.
Energy was created for Balance and by default, programmatically strives to fulfill its function.
Energy is both (+) and (-).
The soul — is a part of the Creator (+) which gives the right to move along the steps of cognition of the mechanisms of the Universe in the material world.
The Human Soul – is a very rare particle of the Creator…which gave a person intellect and mind by default in the material world…it allows us to go almost unlimitedly along the steps of the Creator…to know Him…so that this would be possible, we were given the spiritual world…this is our connection with the Creator!
Animals also have a part of the Creator (+) and something similar to a soul… their soul/pseudo-soul… they are limited by default by programm… they are denied access to knowledge of the mechanisms of the universe… their pseudo-soul is so small that they cannot have intellect and, accordingly, spiritual life … it was created so that a person would actually be God for them from the very beginning. The souls of animals also live in Samsara after they leave…because the Creator also has a demand for them…to the karma of a person!…why is that?!..because these are also the creations of the Creator…and they should not be offended if possible! Everything on our planet was created so that a person would feel as similar as possible to the Creator… this is how He intended it. And a person at the top of the steps of the Creator…in fact, he himself will become God!…but not the Creator!

When the Creator was faced with the fact that the forces/energy (-) of the Earth began to influence a person totally…with the advent of the earthly gods, the tendency grew into a program leading to nowhere!…the phenomenon itself is similar to a side effect.
The mechanism looked like this — all the negative emotions of a person, and this is essentially energy … accumulated and eventually turned into a force that was looking for carriers … people endowed by the Creator to receive energy / priests, and they, in turn, built idols / gods. The gods (-) dictated to the priest and he attracted more and more people. People in primitive times were very dependent on weather conditions and this question stood on the verge of life and death … they happily went to the priests, as they inspired them with spiritual peace and hope that everything would be fine. Priests, shamans, etc. they made sacrifices to their gods from which he fed on negative energy … and their god (-), in turn, seemed to favor them. But the main difference between all earthly gods (-) and everything Negative in general is that they need to be nourished with earthly grace … living flesh, plants, etc … a mechanism like a parasite … you sacrifice living flesh to him and he, in return for you, energy for anything. Even now, dark people work like that … the principle has not changed!
In response, the Creator sent Programs of a religious nature to stabilize humanity … this is how the Creator enlightened the chosen people … the religions of the Creator of a rather complex structure and the energy inherent in them is enormous and the earthly gods were actually doomed … since they were simple in terms of building a mechanism and energetically an order of magnitude weaker. The Creator Knew that the energy (-) of the Earth would not go anywhere… it would no longer turn into a religion and would not gain mass character among humanity… but would manifest itself only pointwise. This is how witches, magicians, sorcerers, etc., work precisely to this day.
The mechanisms of religions of the Creator, different faiths are very similar…and their essence is the same — to guide us to the right path, to keep the balance…if there is no balance, there is no right way!

Hell, Inferno, the Underworld… they don’t quite look like we imagine them in reality… They exist?!… and they DON’T!… how can this be?!

People at the time when religions were introduced were intellectually much weaker than now, and they had to be somehow mentally united, while laying in the holy letter the key to saving themselves! … the information that is laid down is activated at the right time … because it just its time! It works like programm!
Hell, Inferno, the Underworld… this is the Illusion/Matrix of the Creator… it lives in our minds and only on our planet! The very concept of Hell, Inferno, etc…is the end point for our civilization and the planet is not suitable for our existence…this is the end for us! But at the same time, this is a warning from the Creator…if we disobey him and stray from the right, right path!
The mechanism of the matrix works on a spiritual level and is tied to the material world, our world… it feeds on the energy generated by people… the more we think about it, the more it affects us – it looks like a resonance, the forces of balance (-).
We, people… feed this Matrix… and what we read about it, imagine, think, imagine… that’s where we are! The «Matrix of Hell» is an important detail of the Mechanism of the Creator, since humanity has been explaining the forces (-) by It for thousands of years.

The truth is that We need to stay with the Creator…follow him to heaven, space…and at the same time live without the «Matrix of Hell»…in fact it DOES NOT exist! There is only the energy of the Matrix that a person is ready to overcome spiritually, intellectually and morally … a person is ripe for this and is ready to do it! The Creator does not need our earthly religions in space… in space there is only the Creator, Mechanisms and Laws of the Universe!

Don’t forget about the most important thing?!!!… that the «Matrix of Hell» in addition to the matrix itself bears us the main warning that the End of the World is real… and that it needs to be avoided in 2222… this year itself will bring either Death or Grace to humanity Creator.
Our Planet Earth … also has a point of no return … this time will begin in 2022 … and its peak falls on 2222! Humanity is now in a deep Imbalance … and the time until the peak of the point of no return will carry various shocks for our civilization.

The problem of all religions today is that they are designed to guide us programmatically to that stage of the mechanism of cognition of the Creator, which, unfortunately, has come to an end!

Steps of the Creator
In Mankind, in fact, there are two main paths, programs … short and very long! And the time in which we live … it is decisive … in fact, we are the generation on which everything depends! The Creator gives the right to humanity to make a choice… but at the same time, he always prepared and prompted us that we are predisposed to self-destruction… and we have stepped on a short path… already! That way where Judgement Day! We still have the power to change everything! … but the chances are less and less, since the length of time is less! This path is the most correct and the shortest in the time period — This is the only path! All other ways of interweaving actions will lead to Hell…that is, to the Time of the Post Apocalypse those people who survive will be Hell…or we will destroy the planet in 7 Days! And so on… all the paths of the chain of programs will lead us to Self-Destruction. Humanity’s point of no return Will begin in 2022! The peak of no return is the year 2222…and time is running out already…The Countdown has begun!
Humanity needs to realize, to change cardinally the Vectra of understanding as a whole to questions?! That a Man has a Purpose!… That a Man has Duties to the Creator!… That a Man does not just live for his own pleasure!… That a Man must control Himself while maintaining Balance, Respect his religion, adhere to IT and Discuss, To think about Her, about the Creator…to give thanks, to ask, to talk to Him!…That Humanity has gone astray and it urgently needs to act correctly…changing life, we will take the true path!
Bright path
All Leaders, All Religions of the World are obliged to convene a World Synod… which has never been on our Planet and will never be of such a level! The World Synod of All Religions of the World «The Future of Mankind!», must pass the Double Day, Double Month, Double Year! The result of the convocation should put an end to many issues … even though it partially contradicts the laws of the religions themselves!
There is only one Creator!
Manipulation, provocation, excessive violence, mass violence under the pretext of Religions — this is the Great Sin! Who covers, sponsors and supports such people is an even Bigger Sinful person and must also be punished! And in the whole Universe there is NO justification for this person and these people!
Create an Organization, a Union and give it a name, think over a fair management mechanism, a statute, a headquarters office, etc.. give it the maximum possible powers! The organization should include Leaders of all religions and their subjects and partly ordinary pious, devoted people to understand the situation in all countries, as well as many people who will directly perform tasks of a versatile level … who will undergo a rigorous selection in the Institutes created for these purposes. Institutes will train pros. also in astronautics, religion, etc. The goal of the Organization is… control, prevention and suppression of violence in the bud hiding behind the Holy Scriptures. Anyone who dares to do Violence — Evil under the guise of Religion … must be punished! It’s time for us to do this once and for all! The deaths of people under the auspices of religion … these are crimes against the Creator himself! The essence of the Organization…when a world government comes to power on the planet…the organization will play the role of an objective keeper of order and will be closely connected with the people, thereby raising the spiritual component of the population. Religion is actually like in ancient times approaching the mass man. By this we will show the Creator that «The Forces of Light are One!» more than ever! The world is ready to unite! We are ready to work in a place despite the fact that we are fundamentally different and we have different views … but the Creator, our Father!!! — One! … and we will work Together for the Great Good of peace and order in our civilization!
The created Organization should work closely with the World Government! The power of the organization tells it to become an independent custodian of order against violence… as a protector from the powerless actions of the World Government and a guarantor of the presence of the Creator in their actions, thoughts!
Creating the Organization, to form the backbone and direct it, to carry out the Reorganization in a short time! Send opposing specialists to do their work in countries other than their own for the objectivity of a great cause. The history of religions has long been studied and described in chronicles … which were created in order not to distort the truth about the development of religious movements. Who will oppose the Will of reorganization, who will sow health, intrigues, hinder, delay time — which does not exist … he is not worthy to do anything on behalf of the Creator and must be excluded, fired! Everyone should understand that we have very little time and the one who deliberately pulls it needs to be punished! If a person is guilty, he must be punished and it doesn’t matter who he is… everyone is equal before the Creator! All controversial issues are brought to the lot mechanism to determine the right decision, praying for the choice of the Creator.
The Leaders of Religions must take everything under their control, their responsibility until full-fledged organization mechanisms are formed. At the same time, they should not in any way interfere with the reorganization, but rather support and accelerate these processes in every possible way. They must realize that they are building something … that will remain after them for thousands of years! And there is no point in arguing strongly for something, because if you do not have time to implement everything in time?!…- Hell will be on Earth, the End! They must understand that all this should be and this is their main purpose in life! Everything can’t last forever…it’s time for quick action and quick change in the world!
This Organization, the Union cannot be dissolved, changed. It will not be possible to leave it separately for one or several religions, and over time, the meaning of leaving it will be lost! This Organization, the Union will turn into a direct evidence that the Human civilization is the creation of the Creator himself, that we are the Sacred Planet in the Sacred Star / Solar System … it is like authenticity in the Universe for the fact that it is the Earth — Paradise created by the Creator … that is the true home and Cradle of the Human race on background of the Great Universe!
The Most Important Mission of the Organization?!…and in fact the Great Work for Religious Leaders is…To think over the New Religion of the Creator – «Religion of Light!»…for Humanity in the Cosmos, taking into account all the laws of Equilibrium/Balance and the fact that a person will change there! The Creator does not need the history of the Earth and our Earthly Gods in space, and even more so programs about hell and Satan! The Creator will not allow and will not tolerate such a mistake! We have reached the level of the Creator… when We go further up the steps and they want to see us there intellectually developed… without wars and dirt that lives on our planet – in our heads! The Creator is waiting for us as clean as babies. The Leaders will write it starting from the holy earthly commandments, but taking into account the modern intellectual principles of Balance! Once again I will repeat without Hell, Satan, etc.!!! We must defeat this dark side, save our civilization and lay the foundation of spirituality for the human race! In fact, the next Step of the Creator dictates to us to write a future religious program for the long journey of humanity in the Universe!
Our Earthly Religions, Beliefs were created by the Creator exclusively for people living only on the planet «Earth»! On «Earth» there should not be a single temple of the saint from the «Religion of Light», artifacts can and should be! In the Universe there should not be a single temple, a holy artifact associated with Earthly religions, not a single one !!! In the Cosmos there is only the Religion of the Creator and He must be Alone in it. The Creator himself will lead a person, direct him, favour him and punish him if it is His Will! «Religion of Light!» — religion was created for man in the Cosmos, the Universe! On «Earth» mankind is obligated to preserve the sacred beliefs by which the Creator has guided people for thousands of years! Beliefs themselves, holy writings, artifacts, holy buildings, etc.…serve as Authenticity, proof that we were created by the Creator for the Great Mission! All Religions of the «Old Believers» are required to hold services, prayers to the Creator every day starting at 22:22!!! With this, Mankind asks and begs the Creator to turn away our death, the peak of which is scheduled for 2222! This is a very important year! It will bring either the Destruction of Human Civilization or Great Grace, as we are facing the Holy Choice! This is the time of the Universe and the Creator, He hears us as much as possible at this time! In the same way, humanity prays for its children in the Universe, asks the Creator to guide, favour and have mercy on them!
Great Migration! Yes, to save «Paradise» and the conditions for its existence, humanity is doomed to resettlement to other planets! The Organization has a huge responsibility to prepare spiritually people for the Great Migration! To the Correct Teaching and Implementation of the principles of Balance of the «Religion of Light» to the population of future colonizers of other planets!

«Religion of Light!» Eternal Laws!
«The solar system – is the «House of Man»!
Our planet – «Paradise» was created and Given to Us by the Creator Himself!
«Earth» — is the Cradle of the Human Race!»

Law I
For every Human, Half Human, Humanoid, Artificial Human, the Solar System — is the Holy of Holies! And wherever he lives, wherever he travels, whatever he does, whatever he sees, whatever he feels and thinks… There Will Be never?!!! — the place that is such Home, Saint, Divine than the «Human House», «Earth» where its roots were born, «Paradise» that was created and bestowed upon Us by the Creator Himself!
Law II
Human, Half-human, Human-like, Artificial human and what they created, what obeys them, what they control… They are obliged to protect, help, protect the «Human House» in the chain of time and other worlds!
It is forbidden by the Creator to change and interfere with the course of the time chain in the development and life of human civilization radically directly or indirectly!
«Earth» is the hostess in the «House of Man»! and all who live there are obliged to listen to and obey her!
Mankind is obliged to preserve the «Paradise» that was created and bestowed by the Creator in the form in which it accepted it!
The Great Creator Commands Us To populate other planets! He will always be with us and favour us!
«Human House» is «Holy House»! – It has to keep neutrality beyond its border in the Universe!!!

Law  IV
In All Holy of Holies places of «Earth» In all religions and All peoples of mankind!
The service and prayers that take place every day necessarily begin at 22:22 and always said by «Old Faiths» to the Universe! This is the Time of the Creator!
In prayers, the Human race asks and implores the Creator! What would the «Light of the Creator»!!! Always Guided His Children on the truly correct path that settled in all corners of the Universe!
Man, Half-man, Human-like, Artificial man must conduct a sacred service, pray every earthly day of his religion «Religion of Light» on Earth time at 22 hours 22 minutes, reading a prayer!

«May the Light of the Creator be with us all! For the Light of the Creator is Life!»
«May it be so! And So It Will Be!
Let there be Light! And the Light Was With Us! Here it is! And will be!»

World government. There is no way out.
The step of the Creator obliges Us to pass to the Mechanism of the World Government! We need to close the issue of Wars and Violence in general! The Organization of All Religions of Humanity should be responsible for the spiritual part. And they must be closely connected and symbolize the Unity before the Creator, as a Man consisting of a Physical, material and Spiritual component! They will go toe to toe as one!
Our generation is Key! That is, we are the beginning of everything! And we are responsible for everything that was and that will be! It depends on Us whether Samsara will die or live!!!
We have 200 years for ALL this! And That’s All!!! Everything else is meaningless!!! To achieve this, certain steps must be followed in a certain sequence so that the mechanism of the chain of the Universe winds in the right direction and in the timely corridor of time, directs Us to the truly right path! Then a special Mechanism will work — which will lead us to the right path that we need to become! We need to turn on the «Light of the Creator»! After all, we have already embarked on the path that is not True! It is very important!!!
Truly correct / right way!
The first country the one that renounces autocracy and the one that initiates, supports the World Government will be Russia! And this should happen in our generation while the current owner of the Kremlin is alive! Russia has a huge entire universal scale! She has always played a huge role of Equilibrium \ Balance in different eras of human history, including the union of Soviet powers!
This is one of the reasons that I, as a program, was launched in Ukraine, the country where hostilities are actually taking place with Russia! I wanted to turn to my compatriots and ask for their forgiveness, who does not understand?! I ask you to understand the whole point of truth! That Everything is not in vain!!! Believe!!! This is how it should have been!!! And that’s the Will of the Creator!!!… All Wars are essentially meaningless!!! This is what everyone needs to understand once and for all!!!
The owner of the Kremlin is Putin V.V. !!!…I collected a long and complicated «Mosaic of the Universe» three times with different initial questions?!…on the subject of the exodus of Mankind?!!! and three times I was led to the answer one!!!…Great essence!!!
«The biggest evil and darkness!… Carries in itself the Greatest Good and Light!!! The main thing is to want to see the Light?!!! And the Light Always Sees You!!!»
After 33 years, he understands that he is special … because over time, the program dictates to him that He will be Great and clearly He knows and understands this, thinks about it, that he will be someone … who will increase territories, go down in history as someone special! So he lives like thid, as a pseudo path leads him, a goal, a program! … Someone took him away from the Light at a certain time and directs him on the wrong path! And he goes nowhere according to the program!!!
According to the «Mosaic of the Universe» it was assembled as a double path… Evil / Good, this is the way the Universe says! Evil whisperers, not from the forces of Light, fornicate him like Grisha Rasputin!!!…He needs to understand that everything He doesn’t do…will be a dead end!…All his actions drive him and others to World War 3!!! No church and faith on earth can wash away sins that on Him!!! He predicts his family line in Samsara! It will give rise to everything, where we will all die in a result and this is the main truth that has no more important meaning than anything on our planet !!!
— You need to go against Everything! Realize the hell of truth?! What suits you and you feel it…That’s right! But do you know the scale?! And those black fools will be punished!…that you are not led from the Forces of the Creator, the Forces of Light…They will be punished by the Force of the Creator Himself, the Force of Light!
— The time has come for a world dead end, when all paths lead to nowhere! Feel the Creator in you?! He orders it! After all, you partially see the «Mechanisms of the Universe» for a reason! The Creator will grant you mercy, nullification of sins — in exchange for repentance and deeds of the level of the World Good, the Universal scale! The Creator is ready to grant mercy to other terrible sinners from the leadership of various countries and profoundly religious countries! For They do not know and do not understand what they are really doing!
The world government undertakes not to persecute but to provide protection to politicians of closed countries that went to save the planet and obeyed the holy scripture of Light!
The Creator gives his power, knowledge of the universal scale to the key people of the world, who significantly change the course of history and, in fact, the direction of humanity! It must be understood that everything is not accidental and accidental does not happen! It’s good when it’s a scientist, and when it’s a world political figure, and even who is influenced by the forces (-) of the earth ?! This needs to be understood and understood! For example, he partially sees, feels the «Mechanism of the Universe» Putin V.V., Elon Musk and others…since they are also programs and launched for a specific purpose! Only everyone has its own laid Essence! They are not allowed to collect the «Mosaic of the Universe» they are not prophets! When they read the Holy Scriptures, they will understand and discover a lot!
If He! Putin V.V! Will not draw the correct conclusions that the Creator Himself Commands him and will go against His Will! He will not go down in the history of the World as the Great Unifier of Light! He will go down in history as the Antichrist who intended to destroy «Paradise», initiating the death of the Holy of Holies!

«He was on his way to the Light! But Judas met him!»
«He placed himself and his laws above Heaven, the Creator, Being!»
«If he Disobeys My Will?! If He Rejects My Mercy?!»
«I call Him «No One!» He is «Antichrist!» — «Unfaithful!» He Will Be!»

After Putin V.V. will officially become the last president of independent Russia, and it will become part of the World Government! The second country that will be part of the WG will be Ukraine! It will be followed by All other countries of the former USSR, thereby forming the basis, the backbone for the Great Future of our humanity! Other countries will follow them! Those who do not support the world order at first will be bowed by the forces of the Creator himself! Intellect and the Creator dictate to us to understand this and realize it!
People around the world will drop a veil and understand that They are ready to fight for their ancestors and for their descendants! The world will change very quickly! Humanity will finally have a Purpose and a Bright Path! The Step will begin to act, work, and All people will feel this Grace!
Territory of the planet will be divided into sectors! Each sector should have its own management! All countries will remain at their borders! But the internal mechanisms of countries must be subordinated to sectoral management, to the World Government. The World Government must be elected for a term of 6 years! With no right to go back! The government should live in a closed city with their families and will go to work every day regularly! There will be a kindergarten, a school and other infrastructure, everything you need for life! Each politician will be monitored by video surveillance, both open and closed, with the help of robots, drones … by a security service specially created to prevent criminal actions Towards and From them! The one who will run for the World Government will think carefully whether he and his family are ready ?! Live under a video camera for 6 years. The number of Women in the World Government should be no more than 20%.
Countries that will enter the World Government — and it will include all the countries of the world! You can’t leave the world government! And over time, there will be no point in thinking about it! First of all, WGs are obliged to take control of all the energy systems of the planet, work out mechanisms in all industries in order to minimize costs, profitability and CO2 emissions, work out those areas, stimulating the population to switch to various alternative types of energy! The system of government should be exclusively only two-party, for example, like the United States, and exclusively consist only of the inhabitants of the «Earth»! The Great Migration of Mankind — must be the main priority in building policy and the basis for the formation of mechanisms for government, the adoption of laws!
World government. Main Steps!
Urgently, together with the Organization of All Religions (OAR), think over and implement a mechanism for the Education of our future, our children and grandchildren! This is a very important factor! In fact, we must prepare generations to be sent into space! Children should dream, think, imagine about …how they will go to conquer new worlds, planets! Pay special attention to underdeveloped countries! Parents make every effort to aspire the child into space!
As a matter of urgency, all military equipment of the world should be pointwise placed in the sectors of the planet’s government … and the rest should be re-profiled or destroyed, melted down. There is no War on…«Earth!» One of the basic Laws of Light «No Wars!». This is the Greatest breakthrough of Mankind which will mark the New Era of the Prosperity of our civilization in the entire Universe! And if anyone dares to challenge the law or raise a weapon, he/she must be destroyed immediately!!!! Those countries where weapons are allowed?! — the population should hand it over and forget it and never remember it. For the sake of peace and good, this must be done! The future will create a lot of technology for us, which will track everything and everyone, stability and order will be everywhere! An honest and decent person is not afraid of being watched … but this person will be safe everywhere and will be confident in the future! When there are no Wars, the level of the Creator will give a person a huge technological progress of an unprecedented scale!
As a matter of urgency, focus scientifically on the development of inventions of long-range reconnaissance satellites to search for new planets in the prospect of colonizing them! Just create a strategy and implement the transfer of heavy industry in general from our planet! Creation of large spaceships, space bases in orbits of other planets! Creation of weapons to protect the Solar system from extraneous space objects!
Urgently ban all senseless, irrational actions of mankind as cryptocurrency mining!!!
Put under strict control all human modifications associated with beauty, artificial changes in the body, since this can lead to death and health problems in space!
Very important!!! — Put the use of the Internet under strict control at the legislative level! Put the use of the Internet under strict control at the legislative level! During the established working hours, without exception, all entertainment sites, all kinds of social networks for dating and communication should be turned off, while the site servers themselves should be turned off, there is no other way out, otherwise loopholes for illegal use will be found. Messengers of a very truncated action will be introduced for correspondence in short during business hours! The truth is that a person during working hours should work or do something useful and not burn Without understanding Priceless Time! Engage in illegal business, without paying taxes, etc…I repeat that this is very important!!!! Since the Internet has accelerated the process of self-destruction of our civilization at times! And the program that «He» dictates to us is very dangerous! To make it clearer – «Internet» is the main test for humanity — Control before creating a full-fledged artificial intelligence! According to the principle — «We control Him and not He controls us!» Humanity needs to reevaluate and rethink a lot in this direction!!!
The principle of controlling the Internet and similar technologies should act as a Mandatory Law Everywhere, wherever there is a Man and his like!!! «During working hours there is only work and useful deeds and bright thoughts!» for people who will live Not on Earth, this Law is even more vitally needed! In the future, artificial intelligence will be responsible for this!
Don’t be afraid! The Creator is with Us and He will Help us, Favour us! Not the Universe as many people think?! Namely, the Creator! The Universe is just a huge Mechanism! It must be respected but also understood that It is just a Mechanism for the Distribution and Balance of forces and energy! It is ruthless! This Mechanism, like a conveyor belt, destroys and gives birth to entire worlds! And we are not interested in it at all! It distributes and balances us, as well as everything that is in it, in the form of energy and matter!
In order of priority, it is necessary to legalize Cannabis!…Why?! For centuries, this plant has helped humanity as an antidepressant, sedative! It grows in nature and the Creator created it in the same way. And humanity needs a Strategy to fight hard drugs and artificially produced from chemicals. They carry the greatest danger! WG should work out a control mechanism for companies that will grow cannabis and legally sell it at specialized points. Opponents of this understanding of the fact, need to understand … that there are no other ways to fight the drug trade! In the future, this will be one of the main incomes of the planet Earth! For example, alcohol is not a problem, on other planets it will always be local or banned! And Cannabis of Earth origin will be valued — grown in «Paradise» and overcoming distances that are unimaginable! And believe…that it will be so!
«There is no point in money when We are gone?! … or when there will be no people whom we love?!»
Full transition to WG will last for about 40 years and All Rich People, Companies, etc … will donate to the fund for saving the Planet for the formation of WG a third of their business at one time! Freely will be given more, on an ongoing basis, and ordinary people will donate free! Corporations will give whole companies and so on. Everyone must understand that it is necessary to accelerate and They will understand this and do it as changes on the Planet will urge them on! The purpose of the Fund is to raise funds in order to quickly develop and implement the mechanisms of WG. All the important resources of the Planet must belong to the WG….they must either be donated or the WG will buy them! Space activities, an industry, must be open to private companies for sure!
Mankind must resettle 1/4 of the Planet’s population by 2222! And we will make it if we go the right way! This, in fact, is our Goal until 2222, and the Purpose is not to die during this period, but to create all the conditions, a springboard for the mass colonization of the Universe!
WG will face very difficult problems at different stages of implementation. All that it will do! And the key to success will lie in the correct adaptation of the WGW into the mechanisms! They must work together for the Benefit of Humanity!
A person who serves as a conductor between the Creator and people is called a Prophet! Prophets are different from sorcerers, witches, healers, all-seeing, fortune-tellers, etc.. those who energize the Earth and the chosen people are the energy of Light, the Power of Light for balance. The Prophet is nourished by the energy/power of the Universe, directed by the Creator and their Spiritual World is developed by default from birth many times more powerful than that of ordinary people. A prophet is born programmatically with the aim of changing the vector of human movement, thereby spiritually stabilizing, saving, directing, notifying, warning civilization. He is born at the right time, in the right place and with a specific purpose, which is revealed to him at the right time after certain actions that triggered a certain mechanism! The Messenger of the Creator is the Chosen Prophet.
Chosen Prophets! Creator’s mark!
Moses — having been born as an 8-month-old child, he felt from childhood and then knew that he was chosen! He is the first Prophet who stepped onto the level of the Creator! He spoke to the Creator himself! The Creator enlightened him with the Basic Laws of Equilibrium and ordered Moses to introduce them into people. The people of Israel were not chosen by chance … they answered their suffering with their prayers! By their actions, the People of Israel influenced that Moses would be born, so the chain of the Universe chose the right path!
Jesus Christ — was born in Bethlehem in a barn as the Virgin Mary was just preparing for the birth of Jesus. She and her husband Joseph really went to the census and to the market for shopping, preparing for the birth of a child. The couple simply did not expect the birth of a baby at 8 months! The Magi who were looking for a long time where he was born and who the Messiah is, immediately recognized him!
Mohammed — was born on a double day, a double month, a double year, a double century, and was also born as the 8-month-baby! Everyone around initially thought that He would die! But when He survived, many already knew that he was a special child… He, like Moses and Christ, was originally born as Apostles, Prophets!
Mark of the Creator. The Apostle of the Creator, the Forces of Light… that is born, coming to the Material World with a Universal purpose! He has to be born on the 8th month of conception — this is the mark of the Creator! So, Creator marks his Messenger already from the moment of birth. A double day, a double month, a double year and double century! Everything that comes to the Material World / Our World from the Spiritual World / the World of the Creator’s Existence consists of paired numbers / something that is divided by two. From childhood, the Prophet already begins to see the signs that the Force of Light sends him and realizes that He is the Chosen One, the period of maturity begins from 33 to 40 years, the maximum illumination of the Creator comes. The Chosen One is formed and ready to become a Prophet. Throughout his life, he collected information that went to him and is ready to collect it into one single! He begins to collect the «Mosaic of the Universe»!
Creator All-Powerful! The Lord of All! He knows everything that was before us and what will be after us! The Creator knows when our death is and He is trying with all his might to lead us away from this point of no return! When the Chosen One comes to Our world, everything is already prescribed and destined for him, and He notices and understands this! That is why the words «programmatically» and «by default» are often found in the book; these modern words are most suitable for understanding in their meaning!

Apostles of the Creator — Chosen Prophets. It was from Moses that the mechanism of the steps of the Creator was launched. Rather, the people of Israel, by their actions, launched a mechanism in order to activate the birth of Moses. In ancient times, there were many peoples and gods … but the Jews had a God who just had to pray without offering human sacrifices, etc. That’s why the Creator chose the Israelites — the chosen people! Initially, long before the birth of Moses… the people might not have been Israel, the Israelites simply deserved to be the chosen people first, by their actions – sincere faith! Mankind stepped onto the level of the Creator as soon as the Creator told Moses the basic laws of Balance. Subject to the laws, as a result, humanity moved / lived and developed in the right direction!
Messiah. Jesus Christ was sent to Earth to save mankind. As a redeemed sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The Creator wanted to show us that we are people in our appearance made of blood and flesh at the end of the path of the steps of the Creator, we will become like Gods! … we will get as close as possible to the Creator! … But at that time it was understood completely differently than today ! No wonder Jesus was crucified! It is no coincidence that as a result, but indicatively, the Israelites did not recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah! Not coincidentally, but indicatively, the countdown of the calendar formally starts from the birth of the Messiah! Because this is actually a starting point for Humanity! The end point is 2222. The Great Creator gave us time, gave humanity the opportunity to realize mistakes, overestimate their values, repent, atone for their sins… to understand the source of the essence of religions, what the Creator seeks from humanity from the very beginning of human life.
The Creator was angry that the Israelites did not recognize Jesus as their own, did not recognize him as the Son of the Creator! They forgot about the grace of Light, forgot what the Creator did for their people. They were saved from anger by the fact that they sincerely believe in the Creator and are devoted to him and … Jesus who asked the Creator not to punish them! In punishment, the Creator delivered the Jewish people from the right to the Prophet from his people! The Creator did not turn away from the Israelites He only began to Favour other peoples as a punishment!
«Since you did not accept my Son! Your brother! You turned away from yourselves!»
The New Testament, the holy letter that Jesus left behind, teaches us to be more imbued with spirituality, to draw conclusions about how everything happened. The New Testament is the second step of the Creator. Correct Conclusions from which should lead to correct actions for Salvation!
After Mankind did not recognize Christ as the Messiah. And crucified him. And they really crucified him as a criminal, this was significant and most of the Jews … brothers spat, threw stones and laughed at the same time! The Creator became angry with humanity and punished it. He gave time to save themselves until the year 2222. And indicatively, not by chance, the calendar is formally kept from the birth of Christ as the starting point of reference. The mechanism is running and time flies.
Mohammed is the third step of the Creator. In the 6th century AD The Creator favours the Arab people and the Great Prophet Mohammed is born. The Creator knew that Humanity is moving in the wrong direction and does not keep the balance as it was intended by Him. To change the situation and strengthen the principles of Balance, the holy letter of the Koran was sent. The Creator chose the Arab people to be chosen because the Arabs from the beginning of time were with the Jews and deserved to be chosen. At that time they were ready to unite in the name of the true One God the Creator, the Almighty, Allah!
Collecting the «Mosaic of the Universe» on all three steps, I get very clear answers that religions are very much distorted and manipulated for centuries. After the departure of the Chosen, many Holy Scriptures were rewritten and replaced for a number of reasons. The history of Jesus succumbed most to confusion, the destruction of everything and the remaking of historical facts, thereby confusing and destroying reliable relics, the holy writings of those times. In turn, I collect Muhammad very well, I feel him, I understand what thoughts he had, how he thought, why he wrote this way and not differently. The Koran and the Bible are two essentially different holy books, but the essence, the result, the goal is the same for them! They contain the power of the Creator’s spirit! In fact, the laws and principles of the right life for the right path of mankind are hidden in them! And they are different because they have different views on the same path to the creator. If you read them in the material world, then they are different; if a person could read them in the Spiritual world, then they are energetically the same and the mechanisms of the Universe lead to one addressee… the All-Universal Creator, the Lord! to the Almighty! Allah! etc., he has many Names, but He is One and there is no one above him and never will be, since he alone created everything!
The fourth step of the Creator. Last one. At the end of the 20th Century, the mechanism of the Creator is launched for a specific purpose. In the country of the Ukrainian SSR, in Chernigov city, on December 14, 1984, a child, a boy, is born. His parents named him Andrey. The birth was difficult since the boy was born at 8 months of pregnancy. Doctors prepared his mother Valentina for the fact that the child would not survive. He got sick and almost died. But the child survived. As a child, the baby stuttered, being frightened of dogs, and doctors in the Ukrainian SSR attributed backwardness to him, but the boy developed normally and went to school on time. In his school years, the guy was fascinated by astronomy. He was interested in how the world works and a million questions were spinning … in his head. The boy wanted answers?!…and so he began to ask questions to God, only He knew the answer. After a while … The guy asked God to help him in something … or asked for forgiveness if he did something wrong. In general, he lived a correct life and adhered to the principles of his religion. Christianity. While studying at school, he began to notice the signs that came to him from everywhere … but then he still did not pay much importance to this. At the age of 18, the young man realized that he would never dream. As a child, he remembers that he dreamed, but when he was 18 they stopped. The guy begins to notice that throughout his life he does deeds, actions — in advance, as if he knows what will happen in the future. Years passed… A man gets married and his Daughter and a Son are born. He never liked to read and read a maximum of a dozen books in his life. He never read the Holy Books such as the Bible and the Koran, etc. The beginning of the path of enlightenment for a man began at the age of 32.5 when he went to Israel on an unplanned excursion (as he thought then) in the footsteps of Christ. At that time, he still did not suspect that something had happened … exactly after 4 years of the journey from not understanding what is happening inside him to fully knowing himself … Andrey realizes and understands as a result His destiny! This path was very thorny, difficult and mystical. Andrey realizes and makes sure that he has a huge energy, since behind the man there are many departed Saints from the Holy Scriptures. For this reason, Light people are drawn to him, and whoever is a dark person, then he began to flatten him, as the energy of Light from Andrey began to squeeze out darkness. Possessed people go into a trance with him, roll their eyes and start talking in Latin, old Latin. The obsessed person in his presence saw his/her obsession in the photo in a visual form. And a lot of different and inexplicable, as it seemed to him, was happening … while Andrey was on the path of self-knowledge and overcoming the defences of the mechanisms of the Universe and the Earth.
Ukraine. The Ukrainian people became the Chosen People of the fourth step of the Creator. It is significant that the Universal Prophet is already emerging from the Christian Faith! As proof that Jesus, the Messiah, was, is and will be!
Signs of the Creator. The first apostle that joined Jesus Christ was Andrew the First-Called! After the Ascension of Christ and the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, Andrew the First-Called went to preach Christianity. It is indicative that it was Andrew, the first Apostle of Christ whom the Creator led with the ascetics … He reached the place where the city of Kyiv is located today. And the First-Called said
— «Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the Grace of God will shine, there will be a Great city and God will erect many churches!»
Andrei climbed the Kiev mountains and installed the Cross there. This is a label, a sign of the Creator, saying that the Ukrainians were destined to become the chosen people long before the appearance of the Ukrainian people itself!
The Ukrainian people, as a nation, have suffered a lot and experienced a lot, and it is no coincidence that Ukrainian national poets wrote about something special about Ukrainians, their people. The Creator has always favoured us and fed us with his energy and strength. It is indicative that Russia in every possible way wanted and wants to erase the Ukrainians from the history as a Nation, a People — they do not exist and did not exist! … ironically of history, it is like deja vu and it is indicative that the Great Rome did not recognize and conquered the Israelis! Ukrainians were, are and will be! And we are the People of the Fourth Degree of the Creator Himself! Behold and accept the fact that the Creator Himself commands it to be! The Creator Favours Us, as Andrew the First-Called predicted! This is manifested in our successes and achievements of athletes, inventors, scientists, singers, musicians, etc…and what they feel when they achieve success is called the Grace of Light, the Creator…because we are the chosen people!
That is why I was born in the former Ukrainian SSR and I was destined to understand all this and bring humanity to the point of no return strictly in 200 years! That is why my nationality is Ukrainian and my surname Moskalenko personifies the word Maskal! As a child, I had a pseudonym MAG, from my full name Moskalenko Andrey Grigorievich. That’s why I was born on the exact same dates as an 8 month old baby. December 13 is the holiday of St. Andrew the First-Called, and I was born on the 14th and he stands above me first. That’s why I served in the army in the Crimea near Evpatoria, where there was a southern base of the Ukrainian Navy, which was later captured by little green men! That is why I am writing this book in Russian and not in Ukrainian! Everything happened so not by chance! And in order for Mankind to draw conclusions and begin to act starting from Russia! Everything in the Universe is not just like that and everything is interconnected! The Creator favours me all my life and I am grateful to him for this! I see it and understand! It is difficult to live in the World understanding Everything!…and where the world is heading and what awaits it! It is difficult to live and follow the path of the Prophet because no one believes you and no one supports even the closest people! And only Faith in the Light in the Creator leads me and gives me strength and energy!
Muhammad, my Brother, played a special role on my path of becoming a Prophet! Being the Prophet of the current third stage, Muhammad explained a lot to me when I had questions, not understanding the chain of information. He also collected the «Mosaic of the Universe» and knew how to read it. That is why it is very important to understand his words in Arabic as well as understanding my words in Russian. Since it is very important to choose the right words when deciphering the flow of information, and even more important not to lose the power of the correct meaning when translating the holy text into other languages! He is right when he wrote that a true Prophet must necessarily have children, it must be at least a boy and a girl — this is very important! He is right when he wrote that the Path to the Creator is the right Meaning of life — this is very important! He is right when he wrote that there will be no Prophets from his faith of his own level!…because His Faith is only a temporary sure waypoint directing the right path to the Creator. It should be understood that all Faiths, without exception, are called to guide us on the right path to achieve the main goal — the Creator. Now we are at the third step of the Creator and we are only trying to step onto the fourth step.
Let believers of other religions Forgive me and Understand that I don’t mention their religions!… the main correct understanding is that the Almighty is One and only One!… and no matter how we call him in different religions, different countries, different languages and words — this is one and the same concept of the meaning of the word…Creator!
All energy from religions goes to the Spiritual World — the Creator! The Creator, knowing All that will be… saw that the World will not go on the right path, will lose its balance and send the religion of Islam! If we go back to our time, to our days and put together a mosaic of two religions, then Islam is more stable at the moment holding the Balance, thereby helping to stabilize Christianity! This is the most important indicator that Mohammed has correctly Assembled the mosaic of the Universe and Mankind has come close to the fourth step of the Creator. The peoples of all countries need to understand that the time has come to change everything! Starting from Their life and ending with Religions! It is necessary to change the Faith only for the Cosmos, this is very important! Mankind is ripe for understanding and comprehension. All that the Creator wants from him is the Result! This is the meaning of All religions on our planet!
The last point where I had to get to open the entire «Mosaic of the Universe» was on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Moses Himself called me. And Pantokrator is not just the oldest icon in the world. This icon personifies the Creator in the face of Jesus and serves as a prototype of Allah, the emergence of Islam. The Great Prophet Muhammad, who also went through the difficult path of enlightenment, also collected the Mosaic of the Universe … he also came to Sinai to the place / bush where the Creator appeared to Moses, He also climbed the mountain of Moses. He wanted to enlist the support of Moses and he called him to him. The same thing happened to me as well. He also saw the Christian Icon of Pantokrator, realistic as it was alive and most beautiful at that time and to this day, since it was written with the participation of the Forces of Light. Mohammed got what he came for…he was favoured by the Forces of Light. Soon He endowed the Christian Monastery with his Firman, which guaranteed the safety of the monastery to this day. Muhammad knew that this place is very sacred and important! He knew that the next chosen prophet would come here and here he kept his blessing for him. He knew that the next Prophet would not come to him in Medina. And He’s right, and that’s the way It is… and that’s how I got there, got my maturity as a Prophet, a Prophet of the fourth degree. You can write a lot about Muhammad, because from all the Elected Prophets I have collected and collect very well and He helps me! I also often ask him about this and He favours me My Brother Forever!
I collect Jesus in a completely different way. A lot of things I want to collect are just closed and are not going to…because I want to collect and make sure that he is a Demigod…but everything is closed there! So Mohammed collected Jesus Christ and it was closed to him … He, like And I understood that this could not be so, and this is evidence that Jesus is Special, not just the Chosen Prophet. He described what he collected … this must be understood! Mohammed was given his mission by the Creator… which he fulfilled!

When reading My Revelation, a person must understand all the Power and all the Holiness of what is written! A person must understand the essence of the book by reading it many times, since the Result lies in it! All religions on our planet Earth and the Messiah and All the Elected Prophets who came with their destiny are a consequence of the chain of the Universe turn with the participation of the Creator himself! And this chain, the path has its own purpose, which is supposed to be corrected by the Chosen, instructed on the right path!

The Person in whom this Book will cause dissatisfaction, not perceptions, anger, not good thoughts… This Is Not Light! Because the book is about Light and is dictated by the Power of Light! Pray your religion! Pray to Our Creator – your God!…and HE Favours You to Understand His Will What Is Written Here!

Collecting the «Mosaic of the Universe» I get two answers to this question!…Why two?! Because there are two chains of temporal interweaving in the universe. The result of the end of these interlacings / the end! … directly depends on our actions, our chain of the Universe, which we need to change until the year 2222. The system of the mechanism of the universe by default gives us the right to choose actions to the point of no return. Bypassing the point of no return, nothing can be changed, since only one remains from two chains and the mechanism will work in the direction of the vector that will be chosen by the actions!
The Creator will eventually reveal to Humanity all his stages of cognition! Our descendants, children will live in different parts of the Universe. They will no longer physically resemble us. They will be radically different. They will live almost forever as the technology for this will be available. Our descendants will change climates on other planets and colonize them. The descendants of man will move in space over great distances… the mechanism looks like a grasshopper’s jump or… that is, not like a ship’s flight, but like a jump. This is due to the fact that while overcoming huge distances, the spacecraft must create a temporary funnel and, as it were, jump over time to distances. In fact, each such spacecraft is like a time machine in space!
«Mosaic of the Universe»
First answer — Aliens are us! These are our descendants! They look after order in the Solar system! Since It is their source, sacred land! They watch and don’t interfere! They should not do this, as they will disrupt the course of history and they may not exist! Imagine that all the ships move in time only according to the given coordinates … and so our descendants protect us like the apple of an eye! From different force majeure! Their religion — the Religion of Light — tells them to do it! They will protect us and will not allow anyone to interfere in the course of weaving our chain of time and development in the way … as it has historically developed in their history! They document everything that we have significant happens on the planet because we are their story!
The chain of time will always be protected! Before Us, During Us and After Us… By Us!
As our technological development progresses, our descendants will move away from us in order to avoid direct meetings with us! We, in turn, should not strive for this, since it is forbidden! Humanity and the religion of Light will themselves create the protection of the time chain as technological and intellectual development and cognition of the steps of the Creator. They know about us Everything because we are their past … we are their ancestors! The Creator will open All the Steps to mankind!… Even partially the step of Existence/the step of Time, Our Existence! But a person should not change anything there, since the Punishment of the Creator and the Mechanism of the Universe will destroy Everything. For Humanity is forbidden to change the chain of time of Human Existence! That’s why we shouldn’t cross paths with each other! Why Human Existence?!…Because in the Universe for the entire time of its existence, so many things have happened and changed that a person is not given to understand and embrace it. The existence of the Creator is not available to us! And you don’t need to strive for it and look for opportunities to find out what is there ?! Since this is no longer the material world and the road there is closed! Forever!
I am the last chosen worldwide prophet on the planet Earth. This does not mean that the Creator will not guide humanity… The Forces of Light will always guide us and Favor Us. Selected Prophets will be born on other planets and will bring Light to the Universe. Other planets will affect a person in different ways, and a person will develop and change in a completely different way than on Earth, both materially and spiritually. The evolution of a man, his development will change his physically and visually it will not look like a modern person. He will also have different abilities, those that are not available on planet Earth to the current person. Unearthly people, our descendants, will never forget their native planet and will always protect the Green Paradise where his ancestors were born!
«May the Light of the Creator be with us all! As the Light of the Creator is Life!» «May it be so! And So It Will Be!!! Let there be Light! And the Light Is With Us! It Was! And will be!!!»


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