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“Make a wish, honey! Make a wish and blow out the candles!” “Oh, no, I’m too old for this!” - she wants to blow them out, wants so much, but the second she’s realised how ambiguous the situation is, she’s changed her mind. “Come on, baby, I’m in a ...
Прочитали 1141
Market place - buy all you want…Stuff for any taste, even the most picky one! But what about opportunities, a new life, is there any chance to find something like that? And how much are you ready to pay?“Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Buy fresh meat!” - ...
Прочитали 1362
Они улыбались потому что были очень счастливы. Счастливы? А может просто привыкли друг к другу? Немного счастливы, немного влюблены, немного вместе… Аааа, дурацкое слово немного! Господи как же хочется вернуться 15 лет назад, отель ,,Центурион,,, ...
Прочитали 1123
It was dark and could hear strange sounds all around me. So old and abandoned, I could hardly remember the days when it was full of joy and sparkling voices spreading all over the vast number of rooms. Nevertheless I walked deeper in the darkness of ...
Прочитали 823
The 6th of November... I’m still in the ocean, for more accuracy somewhere in it’s middle perhaps, at least as it probably could have been. Presume to start from the beginning is the right choice to put me far away from this abandoned ship floating ...
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