

“Make a wish, honey! Make a wish and blow out the candles!” 

“Oh, no, I’m too old for this!” — she wants to blow them out, wants so much, but the second she’s realised how ambiguous the situation is, she’s changed her mind. 

“Come on, baby, I’m in a hurry, you know that! I postponed everything, all my business for today, and you refuse doing it, that’s not fair”. 

“I don’t know what to wish for, I mean it!” — no, no, no she is lying, of course she knows , oh, her wish — a desire is completely precise. Telling the truth she knows about everything, EVERYTHING! He has been cheating on her for about six months, it’s his last client, she’s just divorced and Henry is probably trying to settle her life down. Slender blond with plump lips and big tits, just like her million clones from the magazine cover, these perfect young chicks, who balance the absence of brain with the presence of silicone. Actually this one is the best of all…all his affairs…at least she is decent, well more or less, of course if you can call someone who tries to destroy your marriage decent. So, now she wants him to stay, she needs him to stay, all her birthdays, every single day off is a real battle for his attention, but the harder she tries the more he resists. But this one is so special, she wants to tell him something very important, this news can change everything, put a stop to all his lies. If only she had more time, or some way to make this evening longer…

“Come one Eva, it’s not funny anymore, do it, cause I need to go now, you know that I’ve got a very important case, I need to get back to work”

“Henry, before I finish with candles and you leave again, I want to tell you something!” 

“What is it?”

“I’m pregnant!Finally we did it. We’re going to have a baby!” She really thought that he would be smiling or screaming or crying from happiness in case. But he is silent, staring at her.

“Henry, we’ve been dreaming about it for so long”- she tried to hold him but he pushed her off. 

“It’s not possible, make up something new, you tried this once, it doesn’t work with me anymore” — he got so angry with her. As the matter of fact he is right, she did some sort of that once, after 7 years of hopeless efforts to get pregnant, she wanted to stop his betrayal and save their marriage. Eva pretended having a baby, but the truth came to light very soon, he was pissed off! 

“ But I’m telling the truth, this time I’m not lying to you, call my doctor if you want, he’ll confirm, maybe you’ll stay with me tonight?”- her hope is fading away so fast, but she is still trying to catch it. 

“Your doctor?! Seriously!? One more actor! God damn you Eva!! What do you want from me, I’m working, I’m still with you in spite the fact that you are not the best wife, but you always make it worse”

“Do you love me?”- hot tears ran down.

“What? I don’t want to talk about this! You know if I had a wish I would probably want you to leave me alone and stop poking into my business!”- he made for the door when she looked at him and shouted.

“Answer my question! I’ve been going through all your shit for so long, and now when I tell you this news ,you just leave, don’t you have  something saint?! — she was shivering, she couldn’t catch her breath.

“ You wanted me to wish, so here it is, I WISH YOUR LOVERS WOULD NOT STAY LONGER THAN ONE NIGHT WITH YOU!“ — she desperately pronounced these words and blew out the candles. He despicably looked at her and shut the door. 

“Hey, sweetie where are you? I’ve been calling for a thousand times, got rid of the her?” — his new passion was expecting on Lexington street 35. He rent this flat five months ago, at first he was intended to use hotel rooms like he used to do before, but this one was too demanding, she felt too cheap having sex in hotels. So there was no choice and he agreed. 

“Yes, finally, I thought she would never leave me alone, can you imagine that she invented one more pregnancy? Oh, she is so foolish” — Henry applied gas even harder. 

“ Really, stupid, doesn’t she understand that you don’t love her? You know what, forget about her, baby, I’m waiting” — she put the phone down, took of her clothes and lay down on the fluffy carpet near the fire place. In half an hour the door opened and Henry appeared, he quickly undressed and came nearer the blond. Burning from passion they started to kiss. The next moment he felt terrible pain inside. 

“Oh, God, what is it?” — he put a hand on the stomach. 

“ Are you ok?” When he got farther from her, pain stopped. It was rather strange but he didn’t want this stupid nonsense spoil his plans. 

“Yes, cool, come here!” — he stretched forward her, but he felt unstoppable pain again, it’s like someone was going to tear his body from the inside. He screamed so loudly and squeezed her hand really hard. 

“ Henry! Let me go! You are hurting me!” — she was begging and crying but he seemed to stuck.

“Help me! Please! His voice turned into some roaring sounds, his mouth opened so widely that he could hardly breath, something in his throat made him feel vomiting. His tongue doubled and sharp rotating blades appeared on its halves. 

“No, Henry! Oh My God! No! Let me go!” — she was screaming and wiggling, but it was useless. This deathly blades stopped her agony. One move and her face was torn into pieces. Everything was so fast that he fell into a faint. 

“Good God! Have you ever seen something like this before, Johnny?” — tall police officer raised the sheet to see the dead blond. 

“No way, man! That’s awful! How has he done it? With what?” — another one was putting handcuffs on suspect. 

“ What? Where am I? What is going on?”

“Mr Henry Pitch?”

“Yes, it’s me!?Where’s…?Oh, God!” — he noticed the dead body in the corner.

“You are under arrest for the murder. I would offer you to call your lawyer” — the same guy made him stand up. 

“No! Call my wife! She’d tell you! I’m a good guy! I would never do this!” 

“ Miss Eva Pitch? We’ve already called her! She said that hasn’t seen you for about a month. She’s not going to deal with this since she is expecting the child. But she is ready to testify against you if it’s needed. Oh, and one more thing…she asked to tell you this, if my memory serves me, BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR! Does it make any sense to you?”

He looked at the officer and whispered “Happy Birthday, Eva”.

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